Saturday, February 7, 2009

U-Blog 2

What a week! This past week has been crazy for me. I have dealt with some serious computer issues and it has been very difficult to stay up to date with this class. I am starting to learn very quickly the need to check Blackboard as frequent as possible. Over the week we were assigned group members and appointed a group leader. In the group discussion board on BB, we went over several topics for our training assignment. The top 3 that we decided upon were: 1) Web Browsing, 2) Email setup, and 3) Internet scam aviodance. I believe all three of these topics are important when it comes to training. I look forward to the opportunity to train individuals on each of these topics, as all of them are highly important in today's society.


  1. Your third topic seems like something very relevant to discuss, especially with the older generation. From my past experience older people are very apprehensive about putting information "out there" (because they dont fully understand what "out there" is).

    With some of the more sophisticated scams today it would certainly be beneficial on educating these users how to identify and discern what is a scam from an authentic situation.

  2. Yeah Matt, I completely understand with what your saying, checking black board is my #1 priority in my life right now. The group training is interesting considering I don't actually get to see my group partners in class or anything. Your top three is interesting like Robbie commented, they are quite old technologies but many senior citzens don't even understand those basics.

  3. I agree with what you are saying Matt. It is very pertinent that you check blackboard frequently and stay up on the assignments. The three topics that you have to choose from are very good topics. Any one of those three would a good thing to cover with the folks at the heritage. The internet scam is one that is very important because many hackers go after older people because they do not know a lot about computers. Web browsing is a good basic that would be good to teach. You could focus on teaching how to navigate to and through websites and show them how to find what it is they are looking to find. Email set up is also a good one. Which ever one you choose good luck!

  4. I hear ya Matt. Checking Blackboard is the number one priority in this class. Being in your group and all..I really like the topics we came up with. I think I'm starting to lean towards internet scam avoidance. I think that would be a very unique workshop for the class and also very important for those just getting started with using the internet. It's very important for everyone to keep there information secure over the internet, especially with all of the identity theft going on.
